to our website!
This is the personal site of
a unique family living at the
edge of the Arctic Ocean in
northern Alaska...
Jim and Teena Helmericks
and their children.
Family in 1992
Jim and Teena
*ALERT* added
in 2010:
This website was originally built in the mid-1990's, so much of what is
described herewith is historical information. As you will see as
you read or browse the site, there have been many interesting updates
added along the way, but keep in mind that Jim and Teena have been the
permanent residents of Colville Village for a number of years now, plus
they are virtually retired from most of the business ventures described
in this website. The guiding and tour businesses, Golden Plover
Air taxi service, and our commercial fishing no longer operate.
The lodge is only open now to a very limited clientele.
Jim and
Teena live on an island at the mouth of the Colville River Delta, on
the northern coast of Alaska. The family homesite is called Colville
Village and sits about 160 miles southeast of Barrow, the northern most
point of the United States, and 200 miles west of the Alaska/Canadian
border. (See Maps page).
up in different areas on the North Slope of Alaska, Jim and Teena
have known each other since childhood, and life in the Arctic has been
natural as breathing for them both. Marriage in 1970 found them
home-making on the edge of the Arctic Ocean, far from any other
settlements --- true "bush" living, as Alaskans like to call it. (See
the History page for further background.)
Jim and
Teena have four sons, Derek, Jay, Isaac, and Aaron, who were raised and
home-schooled at Colville Village, and are third generation residents
of this unique site. (See the Our Kids page.) The boys grew up learning
to appreciate and respect the land that provides for us and to
to the family guiding, fishing, and bush flying businesses. (See Our
Work )
land sustains
us! The surrounding countryside provides the basis for our livelihood
and survival. Our guiding, fishing, and flying businesses exist because
our ability to access the wealth of our environment. Much of our
food comes from the land, such as the fish, caribou or muskoxen meat we
depend upon. The hunting and gathering lifestyle is our way of life,
we love our life on the edge of the Arctic Ocean!
you're interested in reading annual family newsletters from past years,
visit our Newsletters page.
Boys home at the Colville with Mom and Dad - August 2002. (Jay not in
Isaac, Jim & Teena, Aaron, Derek
News Alerts:
** January, 2017
newsletter, Colville Update 2016, is now
available on "Newsletters" page.
December, 2015
newsletter, Colville Update 2015, is now
available on "Newsletters" page.
December, 2014
newsletter, Colville Update 2014, is now
available on "Newsletters" page.
January, 2014
newsletter, Colville Update 2013, is now
available on "Newsletters" page. This
is something new, a photo essay.
** January, 2013
note there has been a change in Jim's photography website address. It
is now:
December, 2012
newsletter, Colville Update 2012, is now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** December, 2011
newsletter, Colville Update 2011, is now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** November 24, 2011
family member born to Isaac and Crystal on Thanksgiving Day - a most
wonderful gift from God for which we are so thankful.
Danian just
6 hours old.

sister Rhianna loves me.
** May 22, 2010
newsletter, Colville Update 2010, is now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** May 15, 2009
newsletter, Colville Update 2009, is now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** February 14, 2009
finally got a website started where you can view many of his terrific
photographs. It's called Golden
Plover Photography, and he is adding more pictures all the time to
expand the collection. Various sized prints plus other
photo items may be purchased there. Click on the name above or
put this address in your browser: "http://goldenplover.zenfolio.com" to
access the site.
also has a new birding and nature blog that you may find
interesting. Arctic Smoke Signals can
be accessed at http://kingeider.blogspot.com, or click on above name.
** November 16, 2008
and Crystal presented the family with a new member late evening on
November 16th.
Rhianna Belle weighed in at 6 lbs. 10 oz, and
was 20 inches long. See
details on
the "Our Kids" page.

** June 1, 2008
newsletter, Colville Update 2008, now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** August 12, 2007
married Autumn Botts in a beautiful outdoor ceremony held just outside
Anchorage, Alaska on August 12, 2007.

More pictures to follow soon.
** June 9, 2007
newsletter, Colville Update 2007, now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** February 10, 2007
content added to the "Our Kids" page.
** May 10, 2006
Peace has arrived! Born May 7, 2006, weighing 8 lbs. 14 oz, and
21.5 inches long. See
details on
the "Our Kids" page.
** April 22, 2006
New newsletter, Colville Update 2006, now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** May, 2005
New newsletter, Colville Update 2005, now
available on "Newsletters" page.
August, 2004
entire Jim and Teena Helmericks family converged at Colville Village
the second
week of August for a grand get-together. Grandparents Jim and
especially delighted in meeting their newest member of the clan for the
time, Melody Hope. Below is a picture taken by the edge of our
on a balmy Arctic August day.
Derek, Beth,Crystal, Isaac, Amy, Jay,
Melody, Natasha,Teena, Aaron, Jim
** July, 2004
Hope joined the Helmericks family on
June 28th. See details on the "Our
Kids" page.
** May, 2004
New newsletter, Colville Update 2004, now
available on "Newsletters" page.
** January, 2003
Joy joined the Helmericks family on January 11th. See details on
the "Our Kids" page.
Additional information and photos will be added to this website as time
goes on, so check the current update to see if more has been added
since your last visit:
Last Update - January, 2017